Mossion and Dialogue Debate ⭐️

Mossion 1

Should ban-cigarettes from the society

Opening Goverment
Cigarates contains do many dangerous and destroy body like cancer eyc. Cigrates can make we addict to consume it.

Opening Opposition
People can usually use it if people stressed . People can cigarqtes at smoking area.

Opening Government 2
Smokers are divided to 2 groups :
Active smokers (absolutely bad)
Positive smokers (not directly cigarettes but they are affected by active smokers)

Opening Opposition 2
The government can provide an area smoking for smokers.

Closing Goverment
The smoking area is not effective for solution because many smokers ban the rules and not conserve the environment.

Closing Opposition
We just keep the rules and give some punishment to who someone break the rules.

Closing Government 2
97 billion dollars (the number is very expensive for smokes who buyed cigarettes.

Mossion 2

This House Would Not Use National Examination for Graduation Standard

Opening Government 
We are not using computer for exam and for graduation standard

Opening Opposition 1
There’s not ability for use National Examination for Graduation standard

Opening Opposition 2
Manipulation of value

Closing Government 1
Average people stress when did the exam “if you fail it,the future will bad”

Closing Opposition 1 
I disagree with this mossion . It will make the problem and student will cheat exam.

Closing Government 2
New Zeeland have a best education in the world and educational system not use national examination for graduation standard.

Closing Opposition 2
Every school have different studying materials and we can not judge the student

Mossion 3

The Reality Shows Bring More Harm

Opening Government 1
It is true because have negative effects than positive effects and people not aware this effects 

Opening Opposition 1
The reality shows give happy for you and not always give negative effects 

Opening Government 2
Their parents can choose what they need for their children 

Opening Opposition 2
The film National have value and better for children who watch it

Closing Government 1
The people can missunderstand for reality shows and have many program bring more harm

Closing Opposition 1 
We can choose education program for the reality shows and give positive effects 

Closing Government 2
Mostly children probably watch everything and implementy in their live and maybe bring more harm

Closing Opposition 2
Parents must survive the kids when watched TV . We can ability to filter some program

Mossion 4

The Use of Handphone in the Classroom

I think it has positive and negative effects. It has positive effects because handphone needed for searching and learning lesson but have negative effects for cheating when exam.
Some school have program to not use handphone when began study because will disturbed teaching and learning in the class.
But some school permitted to use Handphone because students can give information for their parents..


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