Snow Storm ❄️

Snow storms are a type of winter storm in which the main form of precipitation is snow.Snow storm is really just heavy snowfall. A snow storm is made when high pressure air has contact with low pressure air. The high pressure cold winds start blowing towards the low pressure areas. The low pressure air contains high moisture content. Clouds are formed as the hot humid air moves up, replaced by cold air below. Then finally when precipitation occurs, the water droplets coming down freeze due to low temperatures in a region and what we get is a snow storm! If the temperature falls very much below freezing point, an ice storm occurs!
Snow Storms can last for days. In fact the longest snow storm in the world never stops. Can you guess where it is? If you said Antarctica then you are right. There the snow never stops!!!

You probably think that snow storm aren't that bad. "Yay, snow! Let's go and play"!!! Well no, you are wrong. Snow storm's can be very, very dangerous. Your car can get stuck on the cold snow and ice.  And then before you now it, your stuck inside the car, unable to get out.
There are many different types of snow storms. Some types of snow storms are Snow Squalls, Blowing Snow, Nor'easters, Blizzards, Ice Storms. Sleet and Freezing Rain.

Snow Squalls are strong snow storms but they don't last for very long. Snow Squalls are often accompanied by gusty winds.
Blowing Snow has high wind speeds and can make lighter snow on the ground float up wich makes it hard to see.
Nor'easters can occur at any time of the year. Nor'easters are not very big.

Blizzards with winds up to and over 35 mph are the most dangerous of all. You can't see and staying in a safe location is recomended.
Ice storms cause multiple deaths in many countries around the world. Ice Storms can take out power, glass and more.
Sleet are rain drops that freeze before they hit the ground. Sleet does not stick to things but it does bounce.
When Freezing Rain htis the ground it becames ice. Many things like trees, cars and powerlines get glazed with ice from Freezing Rain.

  • Stay off roads.
  • Stay indoors and dress warmly.
  • Prepare for power outages.
  • Use generators outside only and away from windows.
  • Listen for emergency information and alerts.
  • Look for signs of hypothermia and frostbite.
  • Check on neighbors.


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