Wolf Description

Grey Wolf Lifa Cycle
The life span of a grey wolf is difficult and short.   Many wolf pups do not survive the first year.The pups that live to a year will live on an average of three to five years. Some wolves can live up to ten years.  A  wolf also mates with the same wolf for life. The Grey wolf  breeds from January through April.  Young wolves are taught to fend for themselves. When they become older, they leave the pack looking for territory.  Some wolves stay as helpers.      The main causes of a wolf's  death is conflict over food and lack of food. Most die in the process of dispersing.


Physical Description
Grey wolves are strong and powerful animals. Their strength helps them survive. They have powerful jaws and sharp teeth. Grey wolves are built for hunting deer and other big prey. They have very keen eyesight. Grey wolves can see anything that moves. Running wolves can reach up to 30 miles per hour. Grey wolves will trot between 30-50 miles a day. They can easily leap over big rocks and logs with their long legs. 
Wolves can be any shade from white to black to brown to red. They can also have a mixture of these colors.  Besides their amazing colors, they have excellent hearing. Their hearing helps them hear other packs from far distances.
Wolves have long mouths and tails. The formal scientific name for the grey wolf is called canis lupus. The grey wolf is also known as the timber wolf.  Like domestic dogs, grey wolves walk on their toes not the soles of their feet.


Grey wolves  sometimes  hunt by themselves. They hunt small prey such as mice, rabbits, squirrels, beavers, ducks, geese, and fish.  Wolves normally hunt in organized groups. They will hunt and eat large prey such as deer, moose, caribou, and big horn sheep. The wolves will eat  large portions of their prey by eating everything except for the large bones, some hair, and hide. They will eat the stomach muscles, the tendons, organs, and marrow.  They will eat 80 to 100 % of the prey's body.  Wolves  will sprawl out on the open ground and rest after eating with their pack members. 

Wolves have powerful jaws that make them able to eat strong thick meat, chew on bones, and to bite their prey to weaken them.  Once the wolf bites the prey, it will fall down.  The prey will be injured or dead.  This is a successful hunt

The  grey wolves live in swamps, beaver dams, mountains, green lands, and forests. The grey wolf also lives in Canada,  portions of the  great lakes regions, and some western states, such as Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. Wolves will use a den right before they have pups.  A pregnant female will seek out a den before she delivers her pups.
 Dens may be a deep riverbank, a cleft between rocks, hollow logs, spaces under an overturned tree, or a space under a rock over hang.  Dens are marked by a pile of dirt. Each den has two entrances and each entrance is  fifteen to twenty inches wide and twenty to twenty-three inches high.  
Wolves only use dens when they are going to give birth. A pregnant female gives birth to pups in late April. They sleep outside when they are not using dens and they curl up and stretch out. 

The pups are helpless when they are born.  They are born with no sight or hearing.  When the pups are two weeks old they open their eyes.  One by one, the pups come out of the den to play.
As the pups grow, the mother eats and coughs up the food she ate for her pups to eat.  The pups leave the den at ten weeks of age and live with the rest of the pack.  They start to hunt with the rest of the pack at six months of age.  The adults make the kill and the pups help chase the prey down.  This makes the prey tired.
Pups like to play with each other by tumbling, rolling, and chasing insects. These games help them to be good hunters.  They also play games that are similar to games we play such as hide and go seek, tag, and chase each other around.
Pups grow into adult wolves.  When they turn two years old, some of the wolves will leave the pack and mate with other wolves.   
Hasil gambar untuk wolf pups

Grey wolves have a very complex communication system. They communicate by using body scents, paw glands, body language, yips, and barks. Wolves use their body scent to mark their territory by urinating.  Wolves have scent glands in their paws and they will use their paws to place their scent for others to smell.
  Wolves communicate by howling, yipping, and barking.
Wolves use their voices when other wolves are close and interact with one another. A wolf's howl can be heard as far away as six miles.   Their voices are also used to warn other wolves.
 The wolves are social animals, and they live in packs. The alpha male and female are the leaders of the pack. The wolves use their whole body from head to tail to communicate with one another. The wolves use their tail, and face to show their confidence and pack rank.  An alpha wolf will have his or her tail held higher than the rest.
All pack members must live and work together to survive. The wolves need good communication with each other.  An alpha wolf will kill one to three wolves in his or her lifetime.


Wolf and Human Relationshiop
Native Americans admired the wolf for their strength  and power.  When the Europeans moved into these areas of where wolves lived, men and women killed these wolves.  There were only a few grey wolves left.  Wildlife biologist have spent many years helping the grey wolf population recover.  The grey wolf population has recovered, and many states have passed laws to hunt the wolves.  Many people have opinions about the wolves, and many fear the wolf due to their power and strength.  
Isle Royale National Park is in its 57th year of studying the wolves.  It has been proven that the wolves do not bother the people.  Grey wolves train their pups to fear humans and they are trained to avoid humans.  
The grey wolf population has recovered in some states and it is up to us to protect the population.  Some experts have noted that hunting  helps the wolf and human relationship.  People will not fear the wolves,  and the hunting is regulated.
There have been some new projects in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho to help improve the human and wolf relationship.   Some ranchers are training their cattle to group up together like bison.  This method decreases the number of wolf attacks.   Another project that some ranchers are doing is putting up fences and survey flags around their property to keep out the wolves.  Wolves are afraid of the flags. 


1. How the grey wolf communication ?
2. Where is the wolf habbitat ?
3. What   is the main causes of a wolf's  death ?
4. When Wolves use their voices?
5 How do wolf eat ?


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