It happens 6 years ago .I and my family go to Jakarta for holiday ,I am very excited for holiday . In Jakarta i and my family go to "Snow Bay" swimming pool .Snow Bay swimming pool is place for swimming have snow in the pool .It is make unique so when my family swim ,i start to play a snow.
I play a snow very excited  because this play very crowded .In this place I not aware I lost with my family still official ask me "where is your family??" and then i aware ,my family is lost.I am afraid to see area around here and i begin to cry because i do not know what i do .Suddenly a official say " I can help you but i have terms" i answer "what is terms? " and the official reply "stop cry and tell about characteristic your family".
And i tell about characteristic my family "my mom wear pink t-shirt, my father wear a black sunglasses
, my brother wear a hat and my twins wear a same t-shirt like me. Then the official understand explanation characteristic my family and start search my family.
About 10 minutes i waiting in information room but i didn't see my family. The official start to sooting me. Suddenly my family came when i start cry. I relief but I ashamed because I already cry. This experience will teach me to be carefully​ and not loss with family again.


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